The Freakin‘ Pilot from Blue Skies Mag talks to some of the worlds premiere, as well as lesser known skydivers and extreme air sports athletes to get their take on living life to the fullest, their paths along the Lunatic Fringe, and how they fit into the mainstream world while living life on the dark side.It’s just as much if not more about why we skydive, parachute and BASE jump as how, and it’s endlessly entertaining to climb inside the minds of those living a life less ordinary.

Monday Aug 08, 2022
Lunatic Fringe with Mr. Craig Girard
Monday Aug 08, 2022
Monday Aug 08, 2022
In a follow-up to his incredible team mate and partner in all things air sports, please sit back and enjoy this re-released Lunatic Fringe with the one and only Mr. Craig Girard.
With more than thirty eight years and over thirty-thousand skydives under his belt, you'd be hard set to find anyone on earth with more overall experience than Mr. Craig Girard. Multiple World Title and World Record holder, Craig was a member of not only the United States Army's Golden Knights, but Arizona Airspeed, one of the most highly decorated relative work teams in the sports history; a key member of the 400-way team over Thailand and coach for some of the most competitive teams out there, he takes time to sit down with me to share some of his truly amazing experiences and insights into the Lunatic Fringe.

Sunday Jul 31, 2022
Lunatic Fringe with Eliana Rodriguez
Sunday Jul 31, 2022
Sunday Jul 31, 2022
With a career as successful as hers and with so many titles and so many accomplishments, one would easily assume that she must have gone one hundred percent from day one, but that's not exactly how it happened... When skydiving first crossed Eliana Rodriguez's mind, it was a suggestion from her father, but sadly at an age too young to take advantage. Joining the military at the ripe old age of 17, the idea of jumping once again crept into her mind with vague assurances of skydiving from her recruiter, but it wasn't until the end of her military career that her jumping life truly began. Balancing work and skydiving, it was a chance encounter and random job offer that sent her on her incredible path. A member of one of the winningest teams in the history of skydiving and a soon to be inductee into the Hall of Fame, Eliana Rodriguez continues to strive for excellence in our sport. Now as a member of the Highlight Pro Skydiving team. She along with her other all female team members strive to push for equality, bringing their unique skills to bear on important and timely social issues, solidifying their places as a leaders within the Lunatic Fringe.

Sunday Jul 24, 2022
Lunatic Fringe with Brusasco
Sunday Jul 24, 2022
Sunday Jul 24, 2022
Like many, a life plan was mapped out at quite a tender age, and a then very young Benji Brusasco started down the road of a classically trained professional musician. Like his grandfather before him, the saxophone was something he would become incredibly talented with, but... Like so many plans it was close to the mark, but it seemed to him there must be something more. A first time tandem given as a gift gave him a glimpse of another path, but it wasn't until years later and another random opportunity to make a skydive that Benji knew what he really wanted. Through AFF and chasing an opportunity to continue on in the sport, he used his talents in other areas of his life toward one goal; becoming a working professional skydiver. Now many thousands of jumps as an instructor behind him, Benji has no less passion for the sport, and with eyes on things like competition and longevity on his mind, there is no doubt that Benji Brusasco is yet another lifelong member of the Lunatic Fringe.

Sunday Jul 17, 2022
Lunatic Fringe with Monkey Claw
Sunday Jul 17, 2022
Sunday Jul 17, 2022
In this fantastic blast from the past, we sit down with three of the founding members of the almost infamous Monkey Claw Freely team, the self proclaimed best freefly team founded anywhere between Philadelphia and Atlantic City in the late 90's. Bert, Tim and Stuey laughingly take the opportunity to talk about the almost accidental forming of the team, its name, its roots which were deeply ingrained in the history of Skydive Cross Keys along with John Eddowes, and how they've managed to remain a team through all of these years. They also touch on some of the more pivotal and sometimes painful aspects of the sport while going full blast at a time when things like freeflying and canopy piloting were still young disciplines. It's yet another episode that proves that active or not, once a skydiver, always a skydiver and forever a member of the Lunatic Fringe.

Sunday Jul 10, 2022
Lunatic Fringe with Ray and Jake Jensen
Sunday Jul 10, 2022
Sunday Jul 10, 2022
This is what happens when a seemingly innocent tandem skydive turns into an unexpected lifelong career. With 5 National titles and 2 World Cup titles under his belt, professional camera flier Jake Jensen sits down on this edition as the two take a stroll down memory lane, and chat all about his continuing adventure with the Lunatic Fringe.

Sunday Jul 03, 2022
Lunatic Fringe with Laura Bamford
Sunday Jul 03, 2022
Sunday Jul 03, 2022
Sometimes life goes pretty much exactly as we planned. Off to university to study maths. Graduation and a job working in a field appropriate to a hard earned degree. Constantly in trouble for talking too much and letting loose with inappropriate jokes and/or sexual comments to unsuspecting co-workers. So yeah, not exactly to plan. Enter the new Laura Bamford. Professional skydiver and world traveler born not just of a love of skydiving that began at university, but of a desire to step outside the norm so she could have a chance to be herself. Now working as a full-time Tandem Instructor and Video flyer, Laura talks about issues both women and men face in skydiving, a few broken bones and out of service eyeballs, and a cheeky chat about an unexpected plane ride that all blends into yet another lifelong walk along the Lunatic Fringe.

Sunday Jun 26, 2022
Lunatic Fringe with Matt and Nick tribute 3
Sunday Jun 26, 2022
Sunday Jun 26, 2022
Over the next 3 weeks, Lunatic Fringe will be re-releasing 3 separate episodes featuring Mr. Matt Munting and Mr. Nicholas Scalabrino of The Matt and Nick Show. These two incredible skydivers, tunnel fliers and BASE professionals have, over the last few years shared some pretty funny, over the top and wonderful stories with us all through the podcast; having captured imaginations across the world via video and voice with their skill and daring. It is with profound sadness that with the re-release of these podcasts we say goodbye to Mr. Matt Munting, One of the most genuine human beings one could ever hope to meet. We hope that within these recordings you’ll either spark your own fond memories of the man, or perhaps get a glimpse into who he was, even if all you knew of him were his accomplishments. Please enjoy the final Matt and Nick Show with the Lunatic Fringe.

Monday Jun 20, 2022
Lunatic Fringe with Matt and Nick tribute 2
Monday Jun 20, 2022
Monday Jun 20, 2022
Over the next 3 weeks, Lunatic Fringe will be re-releasing 3 separate episodes featuring Mr. Matt Munting and Mr. Nicholas Scalabrino of The Matt and Nick Show. These two incredible skydivers, tunnel fliers and BASE professionals have, over the last few years shared some pretty funny, over the top and wonderful stories with us all through the podcast; having captured imaginations across the world via video and voice with their skill and daring. It is with profound sadness that with the re-release of these podcasts we say goodbye to Mr. Matt Munting, One of the most genuine human beings one could ever hope to meet. We hope that within these recordings you’ll either spark your own fond memories of the man, or perhaps get a glimpse into who he was, even if all you knew of him were his accomplishments. Please enjoy episode 2 of the Matt and Nick Show.

Sunday Jun 12, 2022
Lunatic Fringe with Matt and Nick tribute 1
Sunday Jun 12, 2022
Sunday Jun 12, 2022
Over the next 3 weeks, Lunatic Fringe will be re-releasing 3 separate episodes featuring Mr. Matt Munting and Mr. Nicholas Scalabrino of The Matt and Nick Show. These two incredible skydivers, tunnel fliers and BASE professionals have, over the last few years shared some pretty funny, over the top and wonderful stories with us all through the podcast; having captured imaginations across the world via video and voice with their skill and daring. It is with profound sadness that with the re-release of these podcasts we say goodbye to Mr. Matt Munting, One of the most genuine human beings one could ever hope to meet. We hope that within these recordings you’ll either spark your own fond memories of the man, or perhaps get a glimpse into who he was, even if all you knew of him were his accomplishments. Please enjoy episode 1 of the Matt and Nick Show.

Monday Jun 06, 2022
Lunatic Fringe with Bailey and Chris
Monday Jun 06, 2022
Monday Jun 06, 2022
Certainly one of the more special episodes recorded for the Lunatic Fringe podcast, Bailey Ricci, a.k.a. The F**ckin' Daughter takes a seaside break between graduating law school and cramming for the bar exam to sit down and talk about what it was like growing up long distance from dad who spent all his work time jumping out of airplanes. From early memories of skydive Cross Keys as a seven-year-old, all the way to making a few jumps of her own with dad nervously flying along, it's an interesting look at a close family members perspective of skydiving from the outside. It's also an opportunity for a very proud father to talk to his daughter about their continuing path together with The Lunatic Fringe. Joining in on the conversation, the F**ckin' Boyfriend tosses in his views as well, so be sure to check out this fun one.