The Freakin‘ Pilot from Blue Skies Mag talks to some of the worlds premiere, as well as lesser known skydivers and extreme air sports athletes to get their take on living life to the fullest, their paths along the Lunatic Fringe, and how they fit into the mainstream world while living life on the dark side.It’s just as much if not more about why we skydive, parachute and BASE jump as how, and it’s endlessly entertaining to climb inside the minds of those living a life less ordinary.

Monday Dec 26, 2022
Lunatic Fringe with Nicole and Omar
Monday Dec 26, 2022
Monday Dec 26, 2022
It's a huge Lunatic theme. Skydiving was not the plan. For Nicole Scappatura it wasn't even an idea. She just answered an add for a job that neglected to say it was for a dropzone. For Omar Mohammad, it went against pretty much everything he was busy training for, which was to be the guy up at the front of the aircraft, not the meat missile jumping out the back. With both of them honing their skills with some of the worlds best jumping with Skydive Dubai, they've been on the fast track for some time now. Both professional coaches in the sky and Omar in the tunnel as well, they're a Middle East Dynamic Duo and certified members of the Lunatic Fringe.

Monday Dec 19, 2022
Lunatic Fringe with Jamie Webster
Monday Dec 19, 2022
Monday Dec 19, 2022
Absolutely horrible. Having passed on the idea of a tandem and gone straight to AFF, Jamie Webster's instructors told him upon landing from his first jump that perhaps skydiving just might not be for him. Luckily, Jamie isn't exactly the type to take no for an answer, and from jump number two on things started looking up. Thousands up jumps later, and years of experience as instructor behind him he's solidly proved those first impressions wrong. Not that he hasn't had his close calls… In one of the most intense experiences shared on the podcast to date, Jamie fills us in on what it's like to spend time staring at the bottom of a 182, snagged, suspended and terribly threatened by gear designed to save lives, not take them. Jamie will be the first to tell you it is all about learning from your mistakes and close calls, proving why sticking with the Lunatic Fringe is his preferred path.

Monday Dec 12, 2022
Lunatic Fringe with Jocelyn Villavicencio
Monday Dec 12, 2022
Monday Dec 12, 2022
All in from the get go. Something undefinable was telling her it was time for a change, and it was just a "random tandem" that shot her off in on a new trajectory that would change everything. Booking her second jump just after landing from her first, Jocelyn Villavicencio knew right then and there that skydiving was her future. Jumping became her singular focus and goal, and it's been her drive and determination, her experience and the ratings she's earned that have taken her exactly where she's wanted to go. Working now as a full-time skydiver/instructor with dreams of competition, there is no doubt that Jocelyn is a full-fledged member of the Lunatic Fringe.

Sunday Dec 04, 2022
Lunatic Fringe with Everest Skydive
Sunday Dec 04, 2022
Sunday Dec 04, 2022
In truly rare air above the famed Namche Bazar, we sit down and get the inside scoop on exactly what it takes to run the highest drop zone on planet earth. From logistics to landings, find out what it's like to operate at a drop zone where a hop-n-pop is at 22,000 feet! This remote broadcast is about as remote as they get, and exactly what the Lunatic Fringe lifestyle is all about.

Monday Nov 28, 2022
Lunatic Fringe with Derick Massey (Episode 200!)
Monday Nov 28, 2022
Monday Nov 28, 2022
In one of the more offensive episodes of lunatic fringe, back in the can for episode 200 is a true brother not only to myself, but the entire sport of skydiving. A lifelong ambassador for skydiving as a proud tandem instructor, Derick Massey through years of experience, and incredible injuries and recoveries has maintained his passion for his well earned slot deep within the lunatic fringe.

Monday Nov 21, 2022
Lunatic Fringe with Tijana Milacic
Monday Nov 21, 2022
Monday Nov 21, 2022
With her drive and passion for ballet slowly fading, Tijana Milacic found herself living in Serbia and wondering what comes next. For a time it was a successful career in the hospitality industry in the bustling city of Dubai, but as can happen, even this was not meeting her expectations, and she was all but ready to move on, until... It was a coworkers suggestion to make a "safe" and easy AFF skydive over the desert sands that truly lit a new fire for her. Now more than a thousand jumps in and a few years behind the counter as a Manifest Professional, there is no doubt in Tijana's mind that she is in it for the long run. With daydreams of working as an instructor and even the possibility of BASE, it's a pretty sure bet that she is now and will forever be a passionate member of the Lunatic Fringe.

Monday Nov 14, 2022
Lunatic Fringe with a Bunch of Drunk Idiots
Monday Nov 14, 2022
Monday Nov 14, 2022
Let's just call this one what it is. We all sat down in a very small room with some microphones, got intentionally as drunk as we possibly could and tried to talk about skydiving. Chances are you've probably done some version of it yourself, but If you haven't done it, we highly recommend you try it sometime, but until then please enjoy this little Lunatic Fringe bunch of idiots having a wonderful time…

Monday Nov 07, 2022
Lunatic Fringe with Ben Milham-Marks
Monday Nov 07, 2022
Monday Nov 07, 2022
Sometimes it's not always about the long game... Like many of us working skydivers, Ben Milham-Marks dove head first into the wonderful world of skydiving, and worked his way from the bottom up. From professional packer even before he was a licensed jumper, to an AFF instructor with only 400 or so jumps, then on to tandems and the traveling road show that can be a professional jumpers life, Ben pretty much covered it all; but as has been said and proven many times before, passion and work don't always necessarily make for the best mix. Having hit a stage in his career and life where its time for a change, Ben shares the joy that has been his time in skydiving, and why he's chosen, at least for now to call it quits. Searching out different avenues in life, he maintains his position with the Lunatic fringe at least for now through fond memories and amazing lessons learned.

Monday Oct 31, 2022
Lunatic Fringe with Pablo Hernandez
Monday Oct 31, 2022
Monday Oct 31, 2022
Back in the can for a great one on one episode with the one and only Mr. Pablo Hernandez, it's a more personal chat about his beginnings in the sport (which happen to be one of the most interesting origin stories I have yet to hear), what it's like to take on so many different roles in skydiving, and what it's like being considered an OG jumper when the beginning seemed like it wasn't that long ago… Lunatic Fringe tempered with a little seasoning and a pinch of wise for good measure.

Monday Oct 24, 2022
Tom Noonan Tribute Part 2
Monday Oct 24, 2022
Monday Oct 24, 2022
In our second of two episodes, we pass on a little more knowledge, passion and joy from the one and only Mr. Tom Noonan.
"It's never goodbye, its only see you next time" - T.N
It's the return of Mr. Tom Noonan to talk a whole lot about safety! At a time when more skydivers are less current than they've ever been, Tom has great information, tips and advice on everything from canopy choices and getting back into the nylon groove, to AAD's and his personal take on Covid. Join us for a super informative and safety based talk on this edition of Lunatic Fringe.